Devised / Collaborative theatre has a place in modern art today. Usually it is an improvisatory theatre wherein the story does not come from a script but rather from a collaborative group of artists.

This is a very similar type of theatre as Commedia dell’Arte, the main difference being Devised Theatre’s end result is presented to an audience in a fixed form. The improvisation is confined to the creative process.

Manifesto Poetico proposes a workshop on Devised Theatre.

The workshop will research different stimuli in order to approach the creative process of making theatre.

Those stimuli would be:

.The empty space.

.Cinematographic language on stage.

(framing, montage and editing – with no use of technology)

.Scene composition by: Rhythm’s principle and the Laws of compensation.

.Dynamics of the body on the space.

The workshop will be directed by Carlos García Estévez.

Please contact us for more information.