"The poetics of survival with global climate change" 

Montreal 2016


“The poetics of survival with global climate change ” is a devised theatre project. 

For this long term research the Laboratory has found an extraordinary opportunity to encounter colleagues and artists internationally and exchange with them the richness of their cultural, poetic, and political history and geographic setting. 

We want to explore local climate change scenarios to develop a collective awareness. Manifesto Poetico Laboratory is very excited to add its theatrical language to this project and ask the questions: WHAT are the climate change issues that we are not seeing yet? Social, Political and personal? How can a poetic theatrical language move our communities to action? 

Manifesto Poetico will add the concept of Poetics of Survival with climate change to all the up coming activities: directions, performances, workshops, research and more. 

The research will be conducted in cultural and educational centres, exposing their result in theatres and festivals.

This project is directed by Paige Allerton, (environmental and medical anthropologist and theatre activist), and Carlos García Estévez, (artistic director of Manifesto Poetico). 

Manifesto Poetico Laboratory encounters different artistic journeys that confront the research from different cultural, artistic and disciplinary perspectives. The artists that participate in the Manifesto Research contribute with their own expertise helping the research to develop in form and depth. 

Manifesto Poetico Research has been conducted with artists from The Netherlands, Argentina, Colombia, United States, Portugal, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Turkey, Italy, Austria, France, Russia, Spain and Canada.

SOUTH KOREA.  August 2015 – South Korea is one of the four major areas with record-breaking droughts this year, along with South Africa, Brazil and California. 

SUDAN.  August 2013 - Flooding.

INDIA.  May 2015 – India experienced a sever heat wave with temperatures over 45 degrees Celsius. It caused the deaths of more than 2,500 people, and lasted more than 25 days. 

MALAWI.  January 2013 – Because of flooding Malawi, president declared nearly one third of the country a disaster zone this Janurary. Some of the world’s driest places have flooded this year: such as northern Chile, Ghana, Georgia, Mozambique and Texas.

SPAIN. Greenhouses in Murcia, Spain cover the landscape of one of the highest  vegetable producing areas in Europe. 

CANADA.   August 2015  - As heat accumulates over the land, larger storms form over Ontario with increased potential for tornadoes and damage.

ALASKA. In Alaska, British Colombia and Northern Canada the 2015 fire season started earlier this year, and has been one of the worst in history. With record numbers of fires starting, and record-breaking areas burnt. Smoke plumes can be seen with satalite imagery drifting over the continent. One fire in Alaska burnt over 500,000 acres in one day.  

PHILIPPINES.   November 2013 - Typhoon Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Yolanda, was one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded, devastating portions of Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines. It is the deadliest Philippine typhoon recorded in modern history, killing at least 6,300 people in that country alone. 

This Typhoon spurred Pilipino climate change representative Yeb Sano to plea to the world at the UN's climate meeting in Warsaw, Poland to take immediate, drastic action to reduce climate change-causing carbon dioxide emissions.

CALIFORNIA  August 2015 - the California drought is now in its fourth year. Rivers are disappearing as people ration water.

CHILE.  March 2015 - A man clings to a security line to cross a street flooded by the overflowing of the Copiapo River due to heavy rainfall that affected some areas in the city, in Copiapo. They received over 14 years' worth of rain in 24 hours.

UNITED STATES.  August 2015 - The Animas River in Colorado has turned yellow after being contaminated with one million gallons of wastewater that leaked from a gold mine. Initial test show lead, arsenic, and cadmium have been found in the water. These photos were taken the same week.

CHINA.  June 2015 - A half-mile wide F1 tornado that passed over the Yangtze River on 1 June caused a cruise ship to capsize and sink, killing more than 440 out of 454 people on board. Other deadly tornadoes struck in Mexico, Burma, Brazil and the US.

Tornadoes form all over the world, including in the UK, but are usually most destructive in the US, parts of India and Bangladesh. So far this year the most casualties from Tornadoes are in China.


PACIFIC WILD LIFE. While wildlife copes with changing habitats, temperature, ocean acidity, and food chain instability, they also are threatened by the garbage everywhere.


PACIFIC OCEAN.  The last 30 years - The Great Pacific garbage patch, is a collection of marine debris in the central North Pacific Ocean located roughly between 135°W to 155°W and 35°N and 42°N. It is composed of large debris and microscopic particles of plastics.

The Great Pacific garbage patch was predicted in a 1988 paper published by theNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States.




Super Typhoon Maysak.  March 2015.