Manifesto Poetico in ANKARA

At Bilkent Universitesi, march 2012

We introduce to the actors a text inspire on Romance Sonambulo from Federico Garcia Lorca. The actors translate it into Turkish.

The group gets divide in to two groups (women group and men group). We do an ensemble warm up and basic exercises of chorus and balancing the space. Also we analyze some movements related with push / pull on the space. 

They start attacking the text from the movement and trying to marry voice and movement and how the text push/pull on the space rather than having the text come from the head. 

Other approach was to work with sounds. We studied how the sounds could circulate through the lines, pushing and pulling, finding the qualities of the sounds and integrating their dynamics into language.

One of the points of research was how to adapt to the space and use the lines as a guide for the direction of the intentions of the text, creating the atmosphere of the scene in an empty space.