HANN: VOICES OF A BAY. Dakar (Senegal)
Manifesto Poetico in production with Theatre Forum Company Kàddu Yaraax, Dakar (Senegal)
“The Bay of Hann sits just north of the industrial area of the Port of Dakar. Once a small fishing village, Hann beach became a local spot of beauty near the centre of Dakar. By the beginning of the 21st century 71 factories discharging industrial effluent along the Hann shore gave the area the nickname “Trash Bay.”
Study of Masks made with Miquel Barceló, Galway (IRE) and Mask - Study by JRo Maiastrart (Paris)
8 - 20 January, 2018
This TRANSPOETICO PROJECT will be compose of mask making and performance training, culminating in the creation of a show based on local stories, to be performed with the masks we make. The masks will be made out of plastic fished from the bay of Hann.
Kaddu Yaraax was created in november 1994 to support community awareness of all forms of social oppression. They deal with subjects such as pollution in the Bay of Hann, women's education and the AIDS epidemic. [more]
Theatre Forum Kàddu Yaraax, Dakar (Senegal)